I spotted the small green tin while in line at Rite Aid. I don’t remember what I was waiting to buy—lipstick? paper towels? cereal?—but I do remember the Bag Balm. It was displayed among the other impulse purchase items near the registers. And it was an impulse purchase, but unlike most, this one was prompted by a series of memories triggered by that green tin.
Read MoreAt a late-summer dinner party in New York City, I’m wearing my Electric Feathers sleeveless dress, rough brown linen with a modest bateau neckline and a back that dips almost as low as the skirt is high. Both men and women tend to comment — women express their appreciation verbally; men with their eyes and a brief, distracted pause in conversation.
“I love it,” enthuses a friend. “It’s so earthy.”
She means it as praise. But still, my heart does its old, familiar sag.
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